Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Cleaning day!

I am not a great housekeeper, I just wanna throw that out there. So when I have any desire to clean, we make the most of it!
I have been super sick for about 2 weeks now, yuck! This morning I woke up feeling so much better so I hit it early. Banished the kids to the basement, turned up my music and attacked my kitchen like a superhero! My cleaning tools were so happy to see me, we don't hang out often.
The kids are awake now and I am ready to STOP! Taylor is off playing with her cousin Brandon so we are spending a rare few minutes just the three of us ;)
On a side note, I love worshipping while I clean! It makes an otherwise daunting task come alive. And in case you're wondering, yes, the mop and I had a wonderful time dancing ;)

- Staci Rowenhorst